Mini Sesh for $97

You need new (great) photos more often than ever:
because you gotta nourish your personal brand
you gotta keep the momentum going

But photos from your phone won’t do it…
& having a full photoshoot often can break the bank…

I’m offering mini professional photo sessions so you can
update your social medias
update branding materials

AND keep yourself & your business standing out!
(more info below)

Here’s how it works…

Each session lasts 40 min (that gives you a little time for one outfit change, maybe 2), and you’ll get at least 35 photos sent to you via We Transfer (zip file to download) on the next day!

Note: You will receive the photos without any edits.
Just like the ones in the gallery above!
(yep! they came straight from the camera!)

Why no edits?

You’ll have beautiful professional pictures (like the ones above) that you can easily edit your way (adjust colors, temperature, add filters) using one of the many free Apps (like Lightroom CC, for example!), or use them as they come to you.

AND this way…

You’ll have new professional photos
without breaking the bank — it costs ONLY $97!!!

Why just $97?

I do it only once a month, at a specific spot, from 1 to 5pm.
Because I don’t edit the pictures, and you will be coming to me, I’m able to offer an affordable price. & we all win! (also I know how it sucks to depend on someone to take photos with your phone!… #BeenThere)

What if I want a regular photoshoot?

Glad you asked! Because I offer that, too!
Click here to learn more about my regular photoshoot options!


Next dates:

Washington DC
Date: TBD
Location: TBD
Time slots: TBD

Date: TBD
Location: TBD
Time slots: TBD

Submit your info below + day and time you’re interested + any questions, and I’ll contact you back! ;)

Terms & Conditions for Mini Sesh:
Delivery of images: The photos will be delivered the next day via Zip file through We Transfer;
Payment / Non-refund policy: a security deposit (half payment) is needed to secure your spot, and there will be no refund in case of no show/canceling, unless 1. it was a case of emergency; 2. you find someone else to fill your spot; 3 cancelling within a week before the photo session date.